that sounds fun nework

When it comes to the rapidly growing world of podcasting, we need creators and curators. Annie F. Downs has been a podcast listener for over a decade and a podcast host since 2014. Publishing That Sounds Fun episodes twice a week, and a few unique series every year, Annie has built a loyal and active podcast listening audience. Spending all these years creating a top-rated podcast across all platforms, hosting other shows, and being interviewed hundreds of times on podcasts, Annie also has grown a keen eye and ear to curate the kinds of content and shows that her listeners, and the friends and family of her listeners, love to hear. 

Her friendship with podcast hosts and knowledge of the space is perfect in combination with Kelli Haywood’s business and marketing expertise. As marketing executive since 2008, Haywood’s experience in the entertainment space was the piece that completed the puzzle. 

That Sounds Fun Network is meant to be a place where podcasters can feel a sense of community and listeners can be entertained and perhaps, changed.

Welcome to the That Sounds Fun Network, our amusement park of podcasts. We think you will enjoy the ride.


Carlos Whittaker


David Thomas & Sissy Goff